Thursday, April 1, 2010

Closing Remarks

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Closing Remarks, by President Thomas S. Monson

I love general conference! I'm amazed at the additional insight that comes from reviewing and applying the messages that were shared. After reminding that the conference messages would be in the Ensign, President Monson said:

As we read and study them, we will be additionally taught and inspired. May we incorporate into our daily lives the truths found therein.

I'm a student who studies water. I came upon an image recently that I thought was spectacular (to me), and it just came to mind.

I feel that I would be like this poor fish if I didn't have the regular, consistent nourishment of the "water of life" (see Rev. 22:17) that gushes from prophets, apostles, and the words of God. I've loved this series of applying the general conference talks, and am thirsty for another dousing of water this weekend!

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