Monday, August 29, 2011

Face the Future with Faith

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Face the Future with Faith, by Russell M. Nelson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

The young people sang in church yesterday. I was excited to hear their song because it's one that my amazing wife plays on our piano beautifully, and I wanted to hear the youth sing it, too. The song is commonly called the EFY Medley by Michael R. Hicks (his video is below); it's a mash-up of As Sisters in Zion and We'll Bring the World His Truth.

So the young people from our ward (congregation) were singing, and I was enjoying it, when I glanced over and saw my two eldest children (aged seven and five) were staring at the singers with unblinking eyes and a look of wonder on their faces!

When the song concluded, my little girl looked at me with a twinkle in her eye, and I asked her how she felt listening to it. She didn't say anything, but her smile grew larger. I followed-up and asked if she felt the Holy Ghost making her heart warm. Again she didn't say anything, but she did nod in agreement before giving me a hug.

I thought of this as I reviewed Elder Nelson's talk today. The message I got from it is that I need to take more opportunities to teach faith "with deep conviction."

If I do this, I can prepare my children (and myself) to face the future with faith and enjoy the blessings of faithfulness (knowing that "rewards come not only hereafter").

Coincidentally, an interpretation of the message of the EFY Medley song can easily be to face the future with faith!

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