Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lawn Mowing Lessons

I heard once that freshly cut grass is on of the most preferred smells. Despite this, it seems that most people (at least in my neighborhood) have someone else mow their lawn while they're away; I wonder the effect of not having this most-preferred-smell experienced first-hand on a regular basis.

I mowed our grossly overgrown lawn this evening. It had been so long since the last mow that the lawn was starting to look more like a botanical garden (see actual picture from our backyard below).

There is something quietly reassuring about mowing the lawn. In fact, I think it's something that people should do fairly regularly because it provides something that may be otherwise hard to find in today's world. The telltale path left by the mower provides the satisfying experience of knowing where you've been, where you're going, and what you have left to do.

Life lessons from your very own yard!

If you want additional information on knowing where we're from, where we're going, and what we have yet to do, let me know. I'm grateful that I know where to find answers to these questions, and I'm grateful that anyone can know, too! (Start here: Mormon.org)

And you don't even have to mow my lawn to find out for yourself!

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