Saturday, March 13, 2010

Stewardship—a Sacred Trust

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Stewardship—a Sacred Trust, by Elder Quentin L. Cook
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Do you want to succeed in life? Would you like to finally meet your goals? Do you need to lose weight? Would you like to increase your earning potential? . . . While seem may like lines that you might hear from a shifty salesman, I imagine that the key to successful realization of each could be found in the same place: accountability.

For as long as I can remember, I've heard many people say that if you want to meet your goals, the best (and seemingly simplest) thing you can do is tell someone about it, and give them regular reports. For some reason, though, this, for me, seems incredibly difficult. Perhaps I'm embarrassed to share my secret goals, or perhaps I'm just not committed.

Maybe I should make a goal to succeed at making goals—but who could I tell about it. . .

Elder Cook implicitly reminded me that the Las Vegas Convention and Tourism Authority has trademarked the line, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" (link). He contrasts that with the opposite view of Sevier County, Utah: "What Happens in Sevier County, You Can Share with Your Friends" (link). (While I couldn't find a picture of a sign stating the latter, it was in a guide book.)

Can anything really be hidden? Of course it can! . . . through repentance. This fact adds validity to Elder Cook's statement:

I would suggest that if we think about giving an accounting of our actions to the Savior, our rationalizations will be seen in their true light.

This reminds me of a new favorite song that the children and youth are singing these days, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" (listen to the song here, and look for other versions here). I love the message, which goes hand-in-hand with Elder Cook's message of accountability.

Speaking of hand-in-hand, I want to live so that if the Savior stood beside me, I would be comfortable taking Him by the hand.

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