Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Each year, my family participates in the Austin CROP Hunger Walk (CROP stands for "Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty"). This is an event where participants raise donations from friends (you) in order to help combat the growing problem of hunger—both locally and world-wide. In addition, funds raised help victims of the recent earthquakes (e.g. in Haiti and Chile).

I'll be walking with my family and I'm looking to find friends who will either make donations to the organization or come and join me in the walk. 75% of the funds go toward global hunger resources and 25% stay local (Austin).

This is us last year.

"What can I do to help?"
you ask: You can simply donate using the secure CROP Walk site (link), or you can join in on the fun this weekend, either Saturday or Sunday (location info, link), and raise sponsors/funds from other friends. (Here is my family's CROP Walk site: link.)

Want additional information? The CROP Walk website, www.cropwalk.org, has links for additional information.

-Additional Information-
Official Austin Website
: www.main.org/cropwalk/ for more information.

Main CROP Website: www.cropwalk.org

You can make donations or join in the cause from any of the above sites, but it is easiest from my family's CROP site.

-CROP Walk Specifics-

The walk will be held on Saturday and Sunday (March 6 & 7) at Walter E. Long Park (map), at 9:30 am (Saturday) and 1:45 pm (Sunday).

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