Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Music

I like to sing, but I love to sing Christmas songs. At a Christmas party tonight, we enjoyed listening to the Austin Girls' Choir, but we liked even more when we were all asked to join in on a few songs. I think some of our fellow party-goers were surprised when my wife and I started strongly singing along in harmony—no melody for us!

His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful, by Simon Dewey

My self-appointed task today was to collect Christmas songs from past First Presidency Christmas Devotionals (link to archives). I was thrilled when I gathered the songs from the past five years (2005-2009) and burned them to CD; the songs are wonderful. (Download instructions are at the end of this post.)

For some reason, I find that I can sing louder (and more on-note) when I sing along to these songs. It's always fun to sing with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but singing of Christ's birth with the addition of the Orchestra at Temple Square seems to give the right oomph to make something resonate within... and come spilling out through song!

The church website often has the statement: "These resources are provided free of charge for noncommercial church or home use." I'm happy to share the songs I harvested, as long as you want to noncommercially use them at home or church!

You can download a zipped file of the songs (mp3 format, ~100MB) by clicking here. There were repeated songs for some of the years; I just built a playlist using my favorites of the repeats, and it works great!

I would love to know if you enjoyed being able to download songs in mp3 of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square from First Presidency Christmas Devotionals.

Please leave comments if you want me to harvest songs from the previous five years, too.

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