Friday, October 30, 2009


While listening to President Uchtdorf's recent general conference address this morning ("Two Principles for Any Economy," link), I was struck by one word in particular: Tenacity.

Adversity, when confronted with faith, courage, and tenacity, could be overcome.

I felt that I need to show more faith, courage, and especially tenacity.

Upon arriving home from work, I noticed something dangling from the open garage door. Closer inspection revealed it was a caterpillar stuck in a spider's web. Thinking of "Charlotte's Web," which my children recently watched, I ran inside to get a larger audience to view this epic struggle with me.

Here was a small spider against a much larger caterpillar, who wasn't going to go quietly. The latter was squirming and bending—literally fighting for its life. The spider reminded me of the need to be tenacious.

Interestingly, my brother called me while I was watching this struggle unfold. He mentioned that he recently tried some skateboard moves he hasn't attempted for some years, with the end result being that he, indeed, is an old man. Again I was reminded this same talk by President Uchtdorf:

While the phrase “been there, done that” may work as an excuse to avoid skateboarding, decline the invitation for a motorbike ride, or bypass the spicy curry at the buffet, it is not an acceptable excuse for avoiding covenant responsibilities to consecrate our time, talents, and resources in the work of the kingdom of God.

How fun to have two vivid, tangible reminders of important principles, back-to-back!

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