Monday, January 12, 2009

Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Because My Father Read the Book of Mormon, by Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitis
Of the Seventy

This talk reminded me of the love I have for my parents. While I like to think that I come from a long line of Mormons, I'm sure that the line isn't as long in some places as in others. While it wasn't my father and mother who first embraced the gospel, they did embrace it, nevertheless. Their personal and collective decisions of faith influenced who I am today.

Thank you, Mom and Dad.

Just as Elder Aidukaitis asks and answers the following series of questions, I too love and honor the name of my father. Elder Aidukaitis said,

Why do I love and honor the name of my father? Because my father read and acted on the promise of the Book of Mormon. Why do I love and honor the name of my father? Because he did not recoil from the answer he received, even while facing great challenges. Why do I love and honor the name of my father? Because he blessed my life, even before I was born, by having the courage to do what God
expected him to do.

In addition to the family love evoked by his message, I loved Elder Aidukaitis' stated chain of verification that links a testimony of the Book of Mormon to Joseph Smith, to the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, to the need of one faith and one valid baptism, to a living prophet today, to the knowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that God the Father lives and loves us, and finally to the desire we have to do what is right.

A wonderful chain of verification from reading, pondering, and praying about the Book of Mormon. And you and I can do the same thing! Aren't the power and knowledge that result from the answers to prayers wonderful?

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