Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Help Them Aim High

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Help Them Aim High, by Henry B. Eyring
First Counselor in the First Presidency

My eldest son is in cub scouts. Together, we just completed his second pinewood derby experience where we shaped a block of wood, smoothed it, painted it, and raced it. I enjoyed the time we spent together, but admit that I should have had him do more—he could have learned more if we had, and I could have spent more time with him!

He chose the design, shape, and color of his car, saying that he wanted it "to look as realistic as possible this year!" As I read President Eyring's priesthood address, I thought of the car that my son and I worked on. Much like he chose what shape his car would ultimately be, I got the feeling that I can help to shape my children to be how the Lord wants them to be:

God knows our gifts. My challenge to you and to me is to pray to know the gifts we have been given, to know how to develop them, and to recognize the opportunities to serve others that God provides us. But most of all, I pray that you will be inspired to help others discover their special gifts from God to serve.

President Eyring used hand-carved personalized wood gifts to his children to supplement the gospel-teaching occurring at home. While I don't know if I'll use this approach, it caused me to wonder what my actions and example are doing to help shape my children—much like the wood was shaped under President Eyring's hand.

In addition to desiring more one-on-one pinewood derby time with my eldest son, I want take the time to help each of my children see themselves as I see them, and how the Lord sees them. I want to help and encourage them as they shape themselves after the perfect example of Christ.

While the car we worked on together won third place this year, I know that my children (and my whole family) can succeed in life as we work together, and if I remember to help them aim high. Then we'll win more important races, as a family.

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