Friday, March 9, 2012

A Witness

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

A Witness, by Henry B. Eyring
First Counselor in the First Presidency

In my last post, I wrote of being alone and standing alone (and there is a difference). This morning as I sat alone in my office, I received a call from my wife at home. With what seemed like sunshine pouring out of the phone, she happily told me of the great fun she and the children had had that morning reading from the Book of Mormon. I wished I had been there.

Around the breakfast table, my family reads from the Book of Mormon each school day. Taped to the wall is a chart which has one circle for each chapter in the Book of Mormon. My family is now pushing through the "Isaiah chapters" near the beginning of the book, and the children were ecstatic that they had read two whole chapters!

You may have guessed already what my wife said next: One of the chapters was only four verses long!

After the conversation was over, I sat for a moment with a smile on my face. I wondered if how excited I get after scripture reading.

When I come home from work, family members are sometimes worn out and tired after a full day; in the morning, everyone's fresh and excited—even about reading two chapters! Too often I focus on little difficulties of the afternoon and forget the joy of the morning. I think something President Eyring applies here:

The Book of Mormon is the best guide to learn how well we are doing and how to do better.

When I read scriptures now, I want to be excited like my children are. I want my life to reflect that I choose to be a witness of all that the Lord has given me. In the morning and in the sometimes-trying afternoons.

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