Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Preparation in the Priesthood

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Preparation in the Priesthood: “I Need Your Help”, by Henry B. Eyring
First Counselor in the First Presidency

As I reviewed President Eyring's talk, all I could think about was my eight-yr-old son.

Two days ago, with three of my children at my side, I helped my eldest cut his pinewood derby block into the shape he had designed. I then showed him how to sand and smooth it. He dutifully watched and then took the sandpaper and did as I had showed him.

Just another normal day at our house.

However, the next day—yesterday—he helped remind me of the role I play in his life.

We opened our house... er, our garage to the cub scouts in my son's den so they could likewise get help cutting and shaping their pinewood derby blocks. Since my son's car was already shaped, I asked him if he wanted to help the other boys understand what we would be doing. With a smile on his face and a spring in his step, he explained it all: how to use design plans to draw what they wanted their cars to look like, that I would cut their design out of the block, and how they would use sandpaper to smooth out any rough spots or hard edges.

In just twenty-four short hours, I saw the turn-around of my instruction to him being translated through preparation into action!

President Eyring shared many experiences of being trained by others. Toward the end of his talk he said:

I promise you that those whom you train and set an example for will praise you name as I have this day to the great trainers I have known.

I'm not claiming to be a great trainer, but I do feel a renewed responsibility to be a good example as I help train my children for future service.

Because they might turn around and help someone tomorrow!

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