Monday, February 13, 2012


This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Redemption, by LeGrand R. Curtis Jr.
Of the Seventy

Elder Curtis used some of the names or titles of Christ to share His roles as savior and redeemer. Whenever the names of Christ are discussed, I'm reminded of a specific song. Coincidentally, I mentioned it in my last post!

Sacraments and Symbols is the song on Steven Kapp Perry's "Come to the House of the Lord" (link) that first interested me in the album. It evokes a deep, almost Gregorian chant feel as it mentions many of Christ's titles and connects them to daily life (at least in my listening).

Here are the lyrics to Sacrament and Symbols:

Lamb of God, Morning Star,
Cornerstone and Rock.
Brazen Serpent and True Vine,
Shepherd of the flock.

Sacraments and symbols open up my mind--
pointing to a world waiting behind them.
Simple bread and water represent the Christ.
Even daily bread serves to remind!
Symbols of his life, of his sacrifice
'till the symbols are not needed to see.

Wheat and tares, scattered seeds,
Bridegroom at the feast.
Buried in a watery grave
then from death released.

Sacrament and symbols open up my mind--
pointing to a world waiting behind them,
concealing and revealing truth in every line,
Gifts that those who seek surely may find

(repeat chorus)

Every world,
every life,
testifies of Christ!

Lamb of God, Morning Star,
give me eyes to see.

Like Elder Curtis, I enjoy hearing stories of redemption. My favorite, though, is my own story.

I have been—and continue to be—redeemed from sin through the Atonement of Christ. The titles and symbols of Christ remind me of His power and the joy that has come to my life!

I enjoy cooking. My family does many things with whole wheat. We have a recipe for rolls that we love. Whenever I'm having one of these rolls, I break it in half and think of Christ. I'm reminded of the sacrament and think of the second verse of the hymn Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King (link):

While of this broken bread
Humbly we eat,
Our thoughts to thee are led
In rev'rence sweet.
Bruised, broken, torn for us
On Calvary's hill—
Thy suff'ring borne for us
Lives with us still.

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