Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time, without Delay

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time, without Delay, by José L. Alonso
Of the Seventy

My one-yr-old is quite the crawler. Almost daily, I'll be keeping an eye on him while I do some chore, and the next thing I know, he's gone! He seems to love the most dangerous parts of the house (the bathroom, climbing on beds or the couch), so every time he disappears, I experience a moment of panic as I rush off to find him somewhere, smiling up at me, unaware of the increased heart rate he caused.

Elder Alonso told a story of a family trip he took to Mexico City where one of his sons became missing. This is a different situation from the one I shared entirely; my son was "lost" in our house, their son was lost in a city of millions! When they realized the son was missing, the quickly mobilized, using many approaches to find their son: looking, calling out to him, praying.

They found him "innocently looking at toys through a store window." Elder Alonso shared the reflection he had after hugs and kisses were shared:

We learned that in order to go to our son’s rescue, we did not need planning meetings. We simply acted, going out in search of the one who had been lost. We also learned that our son never even realized that he was lost.

Contrast the feelings that parents experience when a child goes missing with what a child must feel who doesn't know he's lost!

I'm sure there are some people I know who are lost, who likewise don't realize they're lost.

I'm not talking about people looking at toys through store windows, of course. Elder Alonso seems to be referring to those who have been separated from the blessings of the gospel and activity in the Church. They may have become distracted by life and were subsequently left behind. We can also help "find" those who are "blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, . . . who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it" (D&C 123:12).

This discussion is too general, though. Because of the examples shared above, I can't stop thinking of my own children. I want them to know that I'm committed to watching over them (and watching out for them) in love, and that I don't want them to be left behind or otherwise lost. I want them to feel safe and comfortable in our family so they don't become distracted by outside influences, wander off, and become lost. Instead, I want them safe with me, helping to find others who may be lost.

It's better to help and encourage fellow rescuers than be in need of rescue yourself.

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