Saturday, July 16, 2011

LDS Women Are Incredible!

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

LDS Women Are Incredible!, by Quentin L. Cook
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

After listening to Elder Cook's talk, I jokingly asked, "When will there be a talk saying how great I am?" Perhaps I asked that mostly because I know how incredible my wife is!

As I write this, I'm far from my family. My wife is at home with our four children unknowingly showing me and the rest of the world just how wonderful she is! Many men may get credit and accolades for things they do in business and employment, but I think that even more attention should be paid to the mothers who lovingly and selflessly serve, serve, and then serve some more.

I know Elder Cook spoke of LDS women in general, but as I read his words, I continued to see my wife, the mother of our children, and the valiant young woman she was before (and after) I met her. As my mind drifted to the many roles my beautiful and amazing wife amazingly fills, I couldn't help but think of a couple of videos that mean a lot to me. The first is one I put together for her after hearing Sister Beck's talk on Mothers Who Know. The second is from a Young Women's conference where the choir sang about how they would act if the Savior stood beside them:

Mothers Who Know

If the Savior Stood Beside Me

In his talk, Elder Cook relayed a story of what was learned from the found purse of a young woman. Insights into who she was—meaning who she really was, not just her identity—were found with each item they took out of the purse. I liked the story and all it conveyed, but even more, I thought of my wife. Sometimes when we talk, she is concerned with one item from her "purse" (life) that is causing her concern. I often wish I could show her what I see: a faithful, loving, always-serving, kind, compassionate, laugh-out-loud-funny, amazing, beautiful, kind, appropriately silly, tender, caring, smiling, wonderful woman.

I'm grateful for the influence of an incredible LDS woman: my wife, my sweetheart, my best friend, my everything.

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