Saturday, July 9, 2011

Home Sweet Home in Paradise

Paradise? It looks that way! We spent so much time wondering about the rooms, space, and appliances inside our home that we may have forgotten how amazing the outside of our dream home it! While it likely broke some rules, I spent a great couple of hours with the sweet elderly woman, Barbara, we're buying our home from--without the realtors! (It was nice to visit without them there for a change.) Here are some pictures I took on my tour of the outside (I just hope Barbara doesn't mind that I've already forgotten many of the plants' names!)

Here are the pictures:

View from the front door

Along the back fence

Bird of Paradise plant (blooms year-round)

Hidden tunnel path to neighbors' yard

Patio plant (with friendly lizard)

More patio plants

Friendly lizard with orange throat skin

Bananas!? (technically in neighbors' yard)

Pink flowers

Another pink flower

Mangos! (tree is in neighbors' yard, but it hangs into ours)

BIG pink flower

Patio plants, again

Fan plant

More of the Bird of Paradise plant

Door detail

Front door window reflecting the palm tree

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