Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Photo Shoot

We had been putting off taking family photos for our do-it-yourself Christmas picture until the newest little one came. It turns out that we're too afraid to take him outside still, so we ended up doing it piecemeal anyway. Regardless, we think the pictures turned out wonderfully! (In fact, Walmart didn't want to let us print them because they questioned whether we had permission from the copyright holder. It took some convincing for them to finally hand the pictures over--we had to fill out some form, and I had my children vouch for me, too! All that trouble for an image I threw together in PowerPoint!)

Here are our favorites of the nearly-200 we took today (stay tuned for the official card collage):

The Coveted Squeeze!

Leaning in

A lot of love

Lean On Me

What is the youngest saying here?

Best Friends

Sidewalk Shot

Not Fence-sitters

Did you notice the boots?

Unto us a child is born...

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