Friday, October 1, 2010

Dreams Unlocked

UPDATE: Since posting, BYU has remedied the easter egg described below. Nevertheless, you can still find the Unicorn Robot Attack game here (link).

I had a fun time during my studies at BYU. I was a TA for a computer methods for engineering class (computer programming) where I was in a computer lab. When times were slow, I would either do my homework or hone my mad programming skills. However, students at BYU now might find another way to pass the time.

If your dreams include playing unicorn games at school, the BYU Physics and Astronomy Department's page (link) might be just for you! Knowing of my BYU affiliation, my colleague told me of an easter egg hidden behind the scenes of

Everything looks great when you path to the otherwise innocuous-looking site; however, after entering the famed Konami code (of Contra fame: ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A), you're given a splash screen where your dreams are, apparently unlocked!

From here you can play an action arcade game as a unicorn, soothed by the calming music of Erasure!

Are you interested in playing? Well, hurry up because once this is common knowledge it's quite likely this feature of the physics website will be taken down. In other words, your dreams will come crashing down as you wake up.

Now get back to work!

