Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Helping Hands, Saving Hands

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Helping Hands, Saving Hands, by Elder Koichi Aoyagi
Of the Seventy

Elder Aoyagi shared a great story about his conversion and subsequent reconversion. He tells that after being baptized, he left home to attend University. While there, he fell out of activity in the church. After receiving a loving postcard of a ward member back home, he evaluated his life, experienced anew the influence of the Holy Ghost, and changed. Of this experience, he said:

This spiritual experience changed my life completely! I decided to serve a mission out of gratitude to the Lord and to the Church member who rescued me. Following my mission, I was sealed in the temple to a wonderful girl, and we have been blessed with four children. Not coincidentally, this is the same girl who saved me by sending a postcard.

How great that the caring ward member later became his eternal companion!

I enjoyed reading Elder Aoyagi's account, because it reminded me of the universal application of the Spirit's influence. It seems that we often speak of such experiences primarily regarding initial conversion. It's nice to be reminded that the Holy Ghost changes lives, be it the first opportunity, the second, or more.

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