Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doctor's Orders: Ice Cream!

At a recent doctor's appointment (our first for our forthcoming fourth child, ultrasound picture below), while going through the long list of dietary considerations to be aware of, I asked if we (mostly my wife) could still have ice cream. The response was an enthusiastic Yes! In fact, we were told the benefits of ice cream to expecting mothers. Being the supportive husband that I am, I plan on increasing our ice cream consumption. . . I guess that will be the main source of sympathy weight this time around!

On the ice cream vein, we took a tour of Amy's Ice Creams, an Austin original, today with our daughter's preschool group. I was happy that I got to go play, too. In fact, we also brought our friend (who is also my colleague from work) and our little girl loved having a big friend with her.

As opposed to other food factories where after going you might want to never eat again (e.g. meat packing plant), the ice cream factory whetted our collective appetites for ice cream.

With the doctor's orders and the renewed desire for the creamy treat, I know what I'll be craving for days (and possibly weeks) to come!


  1. Lucky! I need to cut back my ice cream consumption.

  2. I probably should, too, but I want to be a supportive husband...

