Saturday, February 27, 2010

Two Principles for Any Economy

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Two Principles for Any Economy, by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Second Counselor in the First Presidency

Change. Do you like change?

Change is interesting. On the one hand, you will miss the way things were; on the other hand, the uncertainty of the future is exciting in a tingly sort of way.

We have a new bishop! Change in the church seems more natural than change in other aspects of life. There is the almost immediate reassurance that things are as they are supposed to be. In addition to the quiet feelings of peace are the many experiences I've shared with our new bishop.

Nevertheless, I'll miss the little things: the big bear hugs, the laughing while conducting meetings when a mistake is made, the way our children looked with wide-eyes and a smile as they watched the bishop do anything. (I'm sure the new bishop will quickly slip into a special place in all of our hearts.)

In the hallway, minutes after the meeting was over, I overheard our newly-released bishop sharing his excitement for future service in the church: he was submitting mission papers for himself and his wife. There was not even a moment's break—no hiatus, no rest, not even an apparent deep breath!

The memory of this dedication and strength of heart came rushing back as I reviewed President Uchtdorf's comments on work: "retirement is not part of the Lord's plan of happiness." In fact, our bishop used to frequently tell people (our family included) that because he was retired, they could call on him, anytime, anywhere, and he would drop whatever he was doing to help. While retired, he made sure he wasn't retiring.

He was also known to say, "I'm retired: I was tired before, and I'll be tired again!"

Regarding service and love, our bishop showed a living example of President Uchtdorf's words:

While the phrase “been there, done that” may work as an excuse to avoid skateboarding, decline the invitation for a motorbike ride, or bypass the spicy curry at the buffet, it is not an acceptable excuse for avoiding covenant responsibilities to consecrate our time, talents, and resources in the work of the kingdom of God.

(Our bishop did, in fact, used to ride a motorcycle—but he doesn't anymore.)

Thank you, Bishop Jamison, for your example and love.

I want to be like Bishop Jamison when I grow up!

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