Thursday, August 20, 2009

Revealed Quorum Principles

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Revealed Quorum Principles, by Michael A. Neider
Recently Released Second Counselor in the Young Men General Presidency

In an attempt at likening teachings to my needs (see 1 Ne. 19:23), I read this talk through the lens of family. It this reasonable, you ask? Let's start with a definition of what a quorum is:

...A quorum is a class, a brotherhood, and a service unit: a class where a young man may be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ; a brotherhood where we can strengthen, build, lift, and friendship each other; and a service unit to give service to quorum members and others.

If we swap "individuals" for "young man," we see that this is also a working definition of a family. In fact, I wonder if quorums aren't [loosely] modeled after families...

Do the aims of quorums match those for families?

Our goal is to correctly use inspired direction from God and His prophets to maximize the virtues and blessings of the [family] ... The work of the [family] is to increase faith in Christ, prepare and save [individuals], and eliminate mistakes and sloth in implementing God's will.

I like this application. I also like the phrase "eliminate mistakes and sloth in implementing God's will." I take from this the need to be more efficient and effective, as well as the heavy aspect of aligning our lives with the will of God.

The will of God.

This has been on my mind lately as we've prayed for rain as a family. In stake council meetings, our loving stake president has taught us that he has had strong desires to ask the stake to fast and pray for rain, but felt that the timing was not right—that it wasn't God's will. Imagine my excitement when in a recent stake priesthood meeting we were told that he had, that very day, received confirmation that the time was right; we are to prepare our families to have a meaningful fast for rain in September!

I'm excited.

Back to the family:
This all reminds me of a similar application in the Doctrine and Covenants. As I read of quorum decision-making processes, I can't help but think of my family. A likened example from scripture follows:

Every decision made by [husband and wife] must be by the unanimous voice of the same; that is, [they] must be agreed to its decisions, in order to make their decisions of the same power or validity one with the other—

Unless this is the case, their decisions are not entitled to the same blessings which the decisions of [families] anciently...

The decisions of [families] are to be made in all righteousness, in holiness, and lowliness of heart, meekness and long suffering, and in faith, and virtue, and knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness and charity;

Because the promise is, if these things abound in them they shall not be unfruitful in the knowledge of the Lord. (see D&C 107:27, 29-31)

Last night, Maryann lovingly said, "I love that you agree with me; we talk about things, and I never have to be afraid to say what I really mean with you." This followed one of our usual politically/environmentally charged discussions. I can see the importance of unity in decision-making. If we couldn't agree on our personal, remote influence on people on the other side of the world (which is what we happened to be talking about), how could we have any hope of reaching meaningful conclusions on the day-to-day life-decisions of family, as well as the big life-altering choices?

After all, we all benefit when our decisions are align with "the knowledge of the Lord."

1 comment:

  1. In case you were wondering, we were discussing Yann Arthus-Bertrand's documentary, Home.

    You can see the full-length film on YouTube (link).

