Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Lessons from the Lord’s Prayers, by Elder Russell M. Nelson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

As a teenager, Brother Boone was my home teaching companion. I loved and looked up to him and his family, and always felt it an honor to be with him. I recall one lesson where we visited a family and discussed the language of prayer (e.g. using Thee, Thou, Thy, and Thine). At this point, I was not well versed in this way of speech. Imagine my concern when I was asked to give the closing prayer.

I really tried my best, but by the end of the prayer, my frustration and mixing of the "right words" were apparent to all. I felt fairly ashamed because I had never really considered the words I used in prayers, nor did I know that some could be used to show utmost respect.

Placing a hand on my knee, Brother Boone quietly said, "It takes some getting used to, but you'll get it soon enough."

This was a turning-point in my life. Prayers became more real; communion more personal. I had been taught, but more importantly, I was encouraged.

I was reminded of this milestone moment when Elder Nelson taught:

We can use “right words”—special pronouns—in reference to Deity. While worldly manners of daily dress and speech are becoming more casual, we have been asked to protect the formal, proper language of prayer. In our prayers we use the respectful pronouns Thee, Thou, Thy, and Thine instead of You, Your, and Yours.

There are many defining moments that make a person who they are. During a usual home teaching visit on a Sunday afternoon, I was taught life-changing lessons from the Lord's prayers, with considerable help of a man who showed me (in many instances) that he saw more in me than I then saw in myself.

I learned that my current home teaching companionship is to dissolve in two days, and that I will be teamed up with a young man who is the age I was when I was assigned to Brother Boone. Without drawing any further comparisons, I'll just say that I appreciate the importance of home teaching—not just in helping the families to whom we are assigned, but in the interaction between home teaching companions as well.


  1. After thinking of the love and respect I have for Brother Boone, I tried to find him online. I was not at all surprised to learn that Joseph F. Boone served as president of the Missionary Training Center from 2007 to this year.

    Here is a picture of the man who means so much to me, but probably has no idea (link).

  2. That is neat. A great example of the influence of those we serve with and around. I love you and your example to me.

