Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Becoming Provident Providers

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Becoming Provident Providers Temporally and Spiritually, by Elder Robert D. Hales
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I've noticed a common thread in discussions I've had with friends regarding life and spirituality. In essence, many of my friends will say, "After all I've done, I'm sure I'm going to Hell, so I just don't worry about it anymore." This brand of spiritual apathy concerns me, not simply because I'm confident that my friends aren't "going to Hell," but that it manifests a marked misunderstanding of the doctrines of grace and the Atonement.

Elder Hales taught:

Our challenges, including those we create by our own decisions, are part of our test in mortality. Let me assure you that your situation is not beyond the reach of our Savior. Through Him, every struggle can be for our experience and our good (see D&C 122:7). [emphasis added]

I find great comfort in knowing that I am within reach of "Him who is mighty to save" (see 2 Ne 31:19). I noted, though, that we must overcome—knowing that our success comes through Christ:

Each temptation we overcome is to strengthen us, not destroy us. ... Our success is never measured by how strongly we are tempted but by how faithfully we respond.

Continuing on this theme, I cannot help but see that successive successes sum to significant strength (how's that for alliteration?); this is entirely logical: as we grow and progress, we become more adapted to face future challenges—through a sort of spiritual evolution (I'll have to write more on other types of evolution later). Here is the transition to the main topic of this talk:

What we learn now, in our present circumstances, can bless us and our posterity for generations to come.

This principle is as true when applied to spiritual growth and development as it was to the successes of many children of the depression who later thrived because of the life-lessons developed (and maintained) because of hard times.

I hope to apply this to my little family, temporally, as we face "growing up in times of economic uncertainty," as well as self-application, spiritually, as I encounter challenges, trials, and temptations.

I know that "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philip. 4:13).

1 comment:

  1. I had similar thoughts this morning as I read Elder Cook's thoughts. By the way, did you know that Australia has different colored swans?

