Friday, February 27, 2009

New Pictures—Lucky Man

I'm often reminded that I'm a lucky man. Reflecting on the fun we've had as a family this past month is one of those times. You can try to catch a glimpse of our adventures by looking at our pictures (just updated)—click here.

Maryann recently told me of some old LDS television ads—and I really mean old—that I hadn't seen. I stumbled upon them the other day, and while the contrasting approaches to parenthood shown in some may be discouraging, I really liked one that asked a lot of "remember when" questions (it starts at about 5:00, below) and ended with, "You know something, Dad: You're doing just fine." While watching the series of ads I related too well with the bad examples, and the "doing just fine" one really cheered me up. (Until I saw the final one {starting at 6:31—you can just skip that one altogether} which was too detailed, too long, and I didn't have much experience with, gratefully).

As a bonus, check out "I'm trying to!" at 4:00. Maryann sometimes mimics this sweet broken-hearted boy, and does a remarkably good job at it.

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