Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pray Always

This entry is part of my general conference application series.

Pray Always, by Elder David A. Bednar
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

My children, David and Rebecca, have started praying for their baby brother, Benjamin. In an inconsistent pattern, but at frequent prayers, they will ask that Benjamin will be a good boy when he grows up.

While this is very cute and sweet, it causes me to think about two things:
1) I may think that because Benjamin is a very mild, quiet baby, he doesn't need prayers to help him be a good boy. At the same time, perhaps one reason why our little one is such a peaceful child is because of the faith and prayers of his siblings. After all, the prayers of children can be quite powerful.

2) Where did my children learn to pray for their brother? Sure, we may pray at meals, in morning and evening, and every time before we leave the driveway, but I think my children haven't heard me praying for them individually often enough in our family prayers. Because of this, I'm simultaneously reticent and pleased to report that my tender children have taught me to pray for them in our family prayers more often. This point came to mind when Elder Bednar asked:

Do our spouses, children, and other family members ... feel the power of our prayers offered unto the Father for their specific needs and desires? Do those we serve hear us pray for them with faith and sincerity? If those we love and serve have not heard and felt the influence of our earnest prayers in their behalf, then the time to repent is now.

My children reminded me of this, but Elder continued with: "As we emulate the example of the Savior, our prayers truly will become more meaningful."

As embarrassing as it might seem to admit that my children taught me powerful lessons about prayer (I'm actually quite tickled inside that they taught me), I'm reminded that pure, loving children are Christ-like, and that we must become as little children (see Matt 18:3).

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