Friday, December 26, 2008

Background Music

We were all playing in the front yard this afternoon when our four-year-old, David, asked us to make noise for him while he hit the T-ball. We wondered what he meant, and it turns out he wanted us to provide background, or theme music for him. Our sweet children have always been musical, and apparently our wishes have come true and we now live in a musical!

David's request reminded me of the Calvin and Hobbes strip, below:

While I don't really want my boy to turn out like Calvin in some ways, they do share similarities: David inherited my hard-to-handle spiky hair, he has a stuffed animal he thinks is real (read an account here), and, like in this strip, he thinks life is more fun with music and laughter.

This experience, and many others, reminds me of the scripture which fairly sums up life in our home: "If thou art merry, praise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving" (D&C 136:28).

Merry? Check.
Singing? Check.
Music? Check.
Dancing? Check.

Normal fun day at home: Priceless.

1 comment:

  1. I can't keep up with all of the crazy stuff my kids say and do.

    And there are also many other things which our children have done, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

