Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cake Choice Indicator

Wanting to treat my wife to a sweet indulgence, I invited her to choose any kind of cake from the grocery store's bakery. I'll often long for their tempting, rich looking miniature cakes, and I supposed she would choose something similar.

I was wrong.

While acknowledging that the others looked tasty, she chose a comparatively plain cake (in my opinion). It was a yellow cake with white butter cream frosting, decorated with orange piping and three colored frosting balloons. I thought it was more appropriate for small children, not a sophisticated, beautiful woman.

So did she.

When I asked why she selected that particular cake amidst the other more tempting choices, she gave me more than her answer, but a practical example of who she really is. She said that her choice was based on the perceived likability by our children. "David will love the balloons," she added.

She was right. I think his first observation was about the balloons and how much he liked them.

What does this tell me about my wife? Even while splurging for a rare treat, she abandoned thoughts of self and turned, instead, to others—her children.

We had cake for dinner that night (We're great parents). While not the thick, rich treat I had initially expected, I was completely satisfied with the additional accompanying treat of profound appreciation for my wonderful wife. And that was better than any kind of cake.

This is just one of the many ways that my Maryann reminds me of the virtuous woman spoken of in Proverbs (see Prov. 31:10-31): "Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her" (v. 28).

Is it any wonder that her children wailed when she had to leave for a meeting that very evening? David tried to run down the street after her, in just his underwear, to be with her. He and Rebecca would only be comforted upon hearing that Mommy would be home when they awoke in the morning. David's prayers included the plea that "Mommy would be safe," and that "the night will go fast so we can be with Mommy in the morning."

Thank you for being you, Maryann.

Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all
(v. 29).

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